Brief annual information on consolidated regional budgets of the Russian Federation execution (bln. rub.)

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Published: 19.02.2024Modified: 19.02.2024
Brief annual information on consolidated regional budgets of the Russian Federation execution (bln. rub.) download

Brief information on consolidated regional budgets of the Russian Federation execution (bln. rub.)
* Functional classification of expenditures applied till 2011 year
** - Preliminary data

No/No Indicator 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 **
1 Total Revenues 3 797.3 4 828.5 6 198.8 5 926.6 6 537.3 7 644.2 8 064.5 8 165.1 8 905.7 9 308.2 9 923.8 10 758.1 12 392.4 13 572.3 14 901.2 17 546.3 19 676.9 22 325.1
1.1. Transfers from other budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation 581.8 627.3 1 132.6 1 487.5 1 398.9 1 644.5 1 624.4 1 515.0 1 670.8 1 616.7 1 578.1 1 703.0 2 085.2 2 453.1 3 776.0 3 676.4 3 921.3 4 028.9
1.2. Revenues (p. (1) - p. (1.1.)) 3 215.5 4 201.1 5 066.2 4 439.1 5 138.5 5 999.7 6 440.2 6 650.1 7 234.9 7 691.4 8 345.7 9 055.1 10 307.2 11 119.3 11 125.2 13 869.9 15 755.7 18 296.2
1.2.1. Corporate Income tax 1 160.7 1 530.7 1 752.0 1 069.2 1 519.5 1 927.9 1 979.9 1 719.7 1 964.0 2 107.6 2 279.3 2 527.7 3 104.7 3 358.2 2 927.0 4 529.3 4 686.5 6 003.9
1.2.2. Personal Income Tax 930.4 1 266.6 1 666.3 1 665.8 1 790.5 1 995.8 2 261.5 2 499.1 2 693.5 2 807.8 3 018.5 3 252.3 3 654.2 3 956.4 4 253.1 4 793.2 5 580.1 6 379.6
1.2.3. Other 1 124.5 1 403.8 1 647.8 1 704.1 1 828.4 2 076.0 2 198.8 2 431.4 2 577.4 2 776.0 3 047.9 3 275.1 3 548.4 3 804.7 3 945.0 4 547.4 5 489.1 5 912.7
2 Total Expenditure 3 657.8 4 790.5 6 253.1 6 255.7 6 636.9 7 679.1 8 343.2 8 806.6 9 353.3 9 479.8 9 936.4 10 810.1 11 882.2 13 567.6 15 577.7 16 885.5 19 626.3 22 525.3
2.1. State administration 282.7 348.0 444.1 455.2 481.5 468.8 508.2 546.0 585.0 603.2 625.0 657.3 749.7 840.6 936.9 966.7
public and municipal debt service* 29.8 32.0 35.9 62.7 71.3
2.2. Defence 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.4 4.1 3.8 4.7 4.4 4.2 4.4 5.1 4.7
2.3. Law and order 163.9 197.3 256.5 241.4 254.1 282.1 94.6 106.6 107.8 107.6 113.6 117.1 139.6 151.7 167.6 170.0
2.4. National Economy 603.9 865.4 1 233.6 1 131.3 1 103.6 1 316.4 1 608.5 1 730.4 1 779.3 1 866.0 2 002.5 2 288.3 2 468.4 2 954.5 3 192.3 3 523.2
2.5. Housing and Utilities Infrastructure 579.0 807.4 1 023.7 854.5 836.5 968.6 881.3 901.8 906.3 854.9 936.2 1 127.8 1 213.5 1 377.9 1 329.9 1 687.7
2.6. Environment Protection 16.7 18.3 21.1 16.5 14.9 21.9 21.8 24.8 25.7 22.1 22.2 27.8 41.3 69.2 68.8 71.5
2.7. Education 810.1 1 032.5 1 292.2 1 345.9 1 450.9 1 728.4 2 047.0 2 333.8 2 474.3 2 472.5 2 546.9 2 690.0 3 015.6 3 356.3 3 552.5 3 897.6
2.8. Culture, Cinematography and Mass Media* 133.4 175.2 221.7 212.7 227.8
Culture and Cinematography 234.7 257.0 288.1 320.7 310.6 340.4 410.2 441.3 480.3 485.9 531.9
2.9. Health Care and Sport* 601.8 755.0 784.5 758.9 796.8
Health Care 1 193.1 1 358.4 1 250.9 1 316.2 1 355.8 1 281.2 847.3 950.8 1 167.2 2 002.1 2 027.3
2.10. Social Policy 429.2 568.2 762.5 958.4 1 167.3 1 191.6 1 273.8 1 312.5 1 473.3 1 497.1 1 654.4 2 207.6 2 415.2 2 685.8 3 319.8 3 445.0
2.11. Sport 144.8 156.3 170.8 191.1 193.1 211.8 253.7 282.8 320.2 363.2 398.8
2.12. Mass Media 34.3 38.3 40.5 42.5 43.6 43.3 44.1 48.1 52.6 52.6 57.4
2.13. Public and municipal debt service 75.7 74.6 91.2 121.7 149.0 153.7 133.9 111.4 105.7 100.5 102.2
2.14. Inter-budget transfers* 35.5 21.0 210.6 277.8 300.4
General inter-budget transfers to the regional budgets of the Russian Federation 15.3 19.5 4.9 5.3 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.7 1.6
3 Deficit (-) / Surplus (+) 139.6 38.0 -54.4 -329.1 -99.6 -34.9 -278.7 -641.5 -447.6 -171.6 -12.6 -51.9 510.3 4.7 -676.6 660.8 50.6 -200.2
4 Deficit financing -139.6 -38.0 54.4 329.1 99.6 34.9 278.7 641.5 447.6 171.6 12.6 51.9 -510.3 -4.7 676.6 -660.8 -50.6 200.2
4.1. State (municipal) securities denominated in the currency of the Russian Federation 36.5 25.9 68.9 95.5 29.8 -58.2 38.2 77.6 -9.2 -5.8 32.0 97.0 0.0 40.4 184.6 25.1 -152.4 -118.0
4.1.1. Gross borrowing 73.3 84.2 178.6 158.2 111.1 55.1 119.9 154.6 111.5 98.5 160.5 215.3 86.9 114.0 267.1 154.4 1.4 36.8
4.1.2. Redemption -36.8 -58.3 -109.7 -62.7 -81.3 -113.3 -81.7 -77.0 -120.7 -104.2 -128.5 -118.3 -86.9 -73.6 -82.5 -129.4 -153.9 -154.8
4.2. Budget loans from other budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation -3.9 -4.7 10.9 126.8 31.0 79.8 5.0 43.0 169.3 167.4 181.6 19.8 -70.4 -53.8 217.2 269.1 610.8 529.4
4.2.1. Attraction 16.8 9.9 20.2 170.0 426.4 128.4 129.5 132.3 769.4 1 258.3 1 203.3 1 172.7 559.2 384.0 880.7 455.1 767.2 958.0
4.2.2. Redemption -20.7 -14.6 -9.3 -43.2 -395.4 -48.6 -124.5 -89.3 -600.1 -1 091.0 -1 021.6 -1 152.9 -629.6 -437.7 -663.5 -186.0 -156.3 -428.6
4.3. Corporate loans 22.4 33.1 37.8 66.5 164.4 107.7 162.3 282.6 217.4 101.6 -102.6 -126.3 -14.7 -57.1 -2.7 -355.2 -236.8 23.2
4.3.1. Attraction 159.2 168.2 210.1 304.6 169.8 419.9 580.4 906.0 1 225.3 1 184.4 1 336.5 1 551.6 1 123.6 931.3 1 287.9 577.7 291.3 463.0
4.3.2. Redemption -136.9 -135.1 -172.3 -238.1 -5.4 -312.2 -418.1 -623.3 -1 007.9 -1 082.8 -1 439.0 -1 677.9 -1 138.3 -988.3 -1 290.7 -932.8 -528.1 -439.9
4.4. Other -194.6 -92.2 -63.2 40.4 -125.6 -94.4 73.2 238.2 70.1 -91.5 -98.4 61.3 -425.3 65.7 277.4 -599.7 -272.2 -234.4